Swostishree Gurukul is the realization of a dream. A dream to prepare generations of young people in Nepal who will be capable of taking the country forward as global contenders. The world today provides unlimited opportunities for those who have the right attitude and the right qualifications. The playing field has expanded beyond imagination and the players are multitalented and multifaceted. It is our dream at Swostishree Gurukul to prepare players who will not only be able to compete but will also be capable of leading.
Yesterday’s school is no longer relevant for today’s child. The world is so much smaller than it was yesterday. There’s so much change happening and at such frightful speed. If one doesn’t keep up one will get left behind. The need of the hour is an education that is progressive and inquiry-based in an environment that encourages students to learn, formulate questions, investigate widely and then build new understandings, meanings and knowledge.
The rising interest in an education that is relevant, inspiring and useful for their children to be successful in a foreseeably even more complex and globally interconnected future gives us an excellent opportunity to present Swostishreee Gurukul as a school of and for the future.